Since medical education involves many different file formats beyond a static DICOM image, DicomScience is prepared for the first step bridging DICOM and non DICOM in a Teaching Files matters.
Since the specification converting a stack of images into a mpeg movie has already been released, we now do kind the other way round, too. DicomScience is capable of handling several different mime types like audio, video, pdf and images, as well as binary or not yet recognized mime types.
This should've been the last feature post for the backend. Stay tuned for more science on DicomScience!
Amazon und Apple eröffnen Kliniken
Wie der Spiegel berichtet, eröffnen Amazon und Apple Kliniken für die
Gesundheitsversorgung Ihrer
Mitarbeiter. Das US-Gesundheitssystem leidet unter hohen ...
vor 6 Jahren