Sonntag, 23. August 2009

Beyond DICOM

Since medical education involves many different file formats beyond a static DICOM image, DicomScience is prepared for the first step bridging DICOM and non DICOM in a Teaching Files matters.
Since the specification converting a stack of images into a mpeg movie has already been released, we now do kind the other way round, too. DicomScience is capable of handling several different mime types like audio, video, pdf and images, as well as binary or not yet recognized mime types.

(o.k. maybe not to use ms paint to create an overview next time)

This should've been the last feature post for the backend. Stay tuned for more science on DicomScience!

Samstag, 15. August 2009


Since the Developement continues on the backend API, I was desperately in need of some admin interface to add meself some testusers. I hope you like the screenshot of a quick User-Admin Gui.

Stay tuned for more science!

Freitag, 7. August 2009

reached 50% mark of controller unit

Since the developement of DicomScience goes on, all "read" controllers are now ready for work. The read controllers represent half of the API's to obtain information from the server. Of course, the other half is to store data into the server, which will be a lot more fun to code. or will it?
Check for the SVN directory.

Montag, 3. August 2009

mpeg Plugin View

Using the QuickTime Plugin in Safari and Mozilla, a movie in the final application might just look like this:

Sonntag, 2. August 2009

movieBot Demo Video

One of our Key Features is to convert all larger series to mpeg movies. Anonymized of course. Automatized of course. This is a demo video of our first test-runs through the interface.

DICOM Interface reached alpha state

As of today, the dicom interface and the movie bot reached working state in alpha. Still without APIs, no download yet available.

Stay tuned for more science!