Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

Active PDF Documents

Exporting content from a website can be very inconvenient. Either it involves many clicks, or files, or both :-)

DicomScience offers you an export functionality which creates you a PDF file including key images from your movies and full resolution images from you DICOM Data.

If your DicomScience Server is within your network range - you may click on each multimedia object which will be opened in an own browser window.

If you need to, you still can save the movie or image to your harddisk.

Stay tuned for more science on - or simply follow dicomscience on Twitter.

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009

Exporting Cases

Of course, Twitter is not the only way to communicate medical teaching cases out of DicomScience.
Using the free FPDF Plugin, any Report or case can be exported with a single click containg all relevant information including key images and discussion protocols.

This nifty screenshot has been taken on board of the ICE 614, so please don't mind the quality.

Beta release is at head, so stay tuned for more science on!

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009

Who needs a save button?

"Save buttons are a thing of the past."

GoogleNotes, e.g. is demonstrating this issue with great success. Using Ajax technologies, reports are being stored immediately after the user leaves the report editor field with his (or her) mouse (onMouseLeave - event). This ensures that even a draft edited report can be visible to authorized personel even during editing. Of course, it doesn't have to.

Don't like the color set? Please comment any suggestions for being either noticed in the main theme or in an additional one.

Sure, DicomScience is themeable.

Do you like what you see? Stay tuned for more science on

Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009

Tweet your cases

You want to send DicomScience Blogposts (a.k.a. micro messages) from inside your hospital DicomScience installation to You want to inform your followers about news on your cases? You want to keep your students tracked about new uploads?

You want to stay tuned for more science on!