Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

What are teaching cases?

In DicomScience, cases are a collection of several objects containing text, multimedia and discussion messages. This enables the user to combine an own, a new or even a foreign report with uploaded DICOM images, movies other supported mimetypes into a single folder.

To preview these objects from the main portal view we use jQueryUI for a neat look. Have a look yourself on this developer preview screenshot.

Things are growing fast... stay tuned for more science on

Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

BlogEngine online

After some jokes and games with jQuery, the Blog Engine of DicomScience is now ready and working in the prototype virtual machine.

At this time, I have to admit saying it is really neat, working with cookies in PHP. Love the "remember me" function while testing. I hope you do so while working with DicomScience!

Stay tuned for more science at